izjava o Myanmaru

odbor pisatelji za mir pri Mednarodnem PEN je oblikoval podporno izjavo Združenih narodov o Myanmaru o miru, spoštovanju in pravičnosti za vse.

V priponki najdete angleško verzijo izjave Mednarodnega Odbora pisateljev za mir.


Please find below a statement released by the Writers for Peace Committee regarding the report of United Nation's Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar. You can also read the statement online here: http://pen-international.org/news/myanmar-pens-writers-for-peace-committee-supports-the-uns-call-for-peace-respect-and-justice-in-the-country

 Myanmar: PEN's Writers for Peace Committee supports the calls of the UN for peace, respect and justice for all in the country